Five Of The Best Foods For Brain Health

It can feel overwhelming to think about all the little things you ought to be doing for your health – diet, exercise, meditation, sleep… Rest assured, most people are not perfect and don’t get it right all the time.

Our brains, however, are definitely too important to ignore, and there are some foods that can improve brain health and help to ward off certain conditions. Besides this, research has proven that it is equally important to get enough food, so bear this in mind before trying a restrictive diet.

As a starting point, we have jotted down a few foods with the best nutrients to preserve your grey matter.

Oily Fish

Oily fish doesn’t mean fish fried in oil; it refers to fish containing a good supply of omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for brain health. This type of fat is unsaturated, which is the kind you want in your diet. Research has tentatively suggested a connection between diets with adequate omega-3 intake and lower levels of beta-amyloid, which is what interferes with brain function in Alzheimer’s. High omega-3 levels can also improve blood flow to your brain, which is just what it needs to function optimally.


People who love strawberries and cream – don’t despair, because half of that dish is excellent brain food. Strawberries and blueberries, for example, contain flavonoids, which are also found in apples, spinach, broccoli, and legumes (among others). Research has linked diets high in flavonoids to improved memory function, showing that two or more servings of berries each week had beneficial effects. Not only this, but flavonoids may cut down on free radicals (defective atoms that cause illness and aging) and also fight beta-amyloid deposits.


Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, just like certain fish, and hold all the same benefits. Also found in walnuts are polyphenolic compounds: micronutrients that can fight free radicals and reduce inflammation. Research has shown that taking in polyphenols can improve memory function. Many other fruits and vegetables are also sources of polyphenolic compounds.


Many people can’t get through the day with a hefty dose of caffeine, especially if they want to get through work and play at ZAR Casino afterward. The good news is that you do actually reap benefits apart from the ability to stay awake and alert – caffeine seems to boost the brain’s ability to process information and function smoothly. Not only that, but research suggests that drinking coffee regularly may lessen the probability of suffering a stroke or developing conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 


Green vegetables aren’t the most popular, but there’s no doubt that they’re full of health benefits. Not only are they full of vitamins and flavonoids, but they contain glucosinolates, a compound needed to produce isothiocyanates – a chemical that can reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative illness.

Enjoy A Varied Buffet

Research has identified many specific nutrients as necessary for brain health, but in reality, it can be difficult to incorporate these into your daily diet. The takeaway: strive for variety in what you eat and make sure you have at least a few of these foods as often as possible.