5 Career Prospects for Geologists

Geology is an interesting field of study. Many people are under the erroneous impression that geology is a specialized field, but the truth is that it has a role in many different industries, from petroleum to construction. If you’re a geology degree holder, or a geology undergraduate trying to navigate your career prospects, here are some examples of what jobs could be waiting for you.

  1. Quarry manager

Quarries are excavation sites used to extract stones, coal, clay, sand, minerals, etc. for various industries. Quarry managers are in charge of planning how to safely and efficiently extract materials from the quarry. A geologist’s skills and knowledge are valuable in this field because their experience with fieldwork means they are familiar with the proper protocol necessary in excavation sites. Their knowledge of different materials means they can analyze site data and determine what possible materials can be extracted.

  1. Seismologist

Seismologists use their knowledge of geophysics to study earthquakes. As a seismologist, you use information like fault line location, seismic wave data, history, rock samples, etc. to pinpoint areas prone to earthquakes and help to minimize destruction by proposing safety tips to civilians and improved construction standards and legislation for property developers and government officials. This job is vital to countries with increased instances of earthquakes as your work can help reduce casualties and disruptions caused by earthquakes.

  1. Researcher

Becoming a researcher is a great way to contribute to your field. Often, researchers need to be affiliated with a university or institute to carry out geological research and fieldwork. With the right credentials (a Ph.D. at the very least), you can even establish your own research group. This is more challenging than joining one because you have to build your lab from the ground up. You need to get funding (either from private individuals or government institutions), equipment (like a camera for documentation and hydraulic power pack for drilling and sample collection), and members (usually undergraduate or graduate students doing their thesis or dissertation).

  1. Mudlogger

Mudloggers are responsible for collecting and analyzing rock samples taken from a well to advise onsite personnel on how to safely conduct drilling operations for oil or gas extraction. Oil and gas extraction can be a risky undertaking, and mudloggers can help identify risks early, like hazardous material in the soil. The information you gather helps the oil or gas company to document site drilling activity and analyze site productivity.

  1. Environmental geologist

Environmental geologists offer their services to companies who want to be as environmentally friendly as possible. This can be in the form of advising plants where to safely dispose of their waste or teaching mining companies how to carry out their operations without affecting groundwater.

There are many more possibilities aside from the ones listed in this article. For one, you could pursue further studies to expand your knowledge and build your specialization. You could even be a consultant for various industries and other geologists. The possibilities are broader than you think.